Monday, November 15, 2010

How do they connect to the internet and at what speed?Frame Relay and Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) are the best for Wal-Mart since they are a worldwide company with location even in Japan; these services have a high-speed line like T1 (high-speed circuit typically used for business connections, running at speeds up to 1.544 Mbps) and DS3 (is a high-speed business network circuit running at 44.736 Mbps) that create virtual circuits that provide connections from each office to the other with no need of lines running around. Also this type of connection is cheaper because there is no need of lines that could depend on the distance they run, with Frame relay or ATM, the T1 and DS3 lines run from each office to the telecommunications provider, rather that from office to office, so the distance and price can both be lower than when T1 lines are run directly form office to office.

Do they use Voice over IP?
Wal-Mart use wireless technology throughout their store. Voice over IP lets you communicate over the internet and avoid the charges that is normally receive from a long distance carrier, it is like transmitting a voice call over a computer data network.

How do they apply the four principles of network security?

Wal-Mart uses the four principles of network security
Confidentiality which is that the information the company has is used just by a person who is authorized. A good example could be a holder of a Wal-mart Credit Card, this person can view their statement when login in with their user ID and Password. There is always threats that’s why it is recommended to create passwords that would include capital letters, symbols etc. Wal-mart uses a technology called Secure Sockets layer (SSL) which encrypts over the internet.
Authenticity which is making sure that the information comes from a trustable source
Integrity which is making sure that certain information has not been altered. An example could be a credit card statement showing a balance with the correct credit cards charges.
Availability which is knowing that the service is available at all times. Wal-mart gets orders to its customers on time and to make sure they have an IDS which lets see the network traffic for intrusion attempts and reports them, this works by having information about different types of network attacks and matching an attack in progress.

What is their domain name?
The domain name is The company's name is a unique name known worldwide and the .com is used for commercial companies and has no restrictions such as ".gov" which is restricted.

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